Do You Ever Get Frustrated As A Freelancer?
I don’t know about anyone else, but being a freelancer is one of the most frustrating things I’ve ever done. But, don’t get me wrong; it’s also one of the most rewarding.
But dang, sometimes it straight up stinks, too.
For me, it’s not the clients that get under my skin; it’s often the platforms. Without going into specifics, one, in particular, has been frustrating in how they protect buyers at all costs and leave sellers out to dry, and seemingly lower your stats, even if you haven’t done anything.
And while this is not an endorsed post for Contra, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention them since they appear to avoid common frustrations other platforms have and offer benefits the others don’t. One thing that piqued my interest is their commission-free payments, which is always a bummer with the other platforms.